Christmas lights in Carnegie

Well the Koornang Road Christmas fair has been and gone, and for a change this year it wasn’t pelting down with rain, although a little hot for my liking. The silly string was there (is it sold other than at the Christmas fair?), and lots of kids – perhaps too many for the number of rides (which is entirely understandable, given that for the last 3 years they wouldn’t have seen much use because of the weather). Santa with his reindeer was a nice touch as well – noting that ‘reindeer’ is one of those words that encapsulates both singular and plural – and so those that weren’t there should be informed that Santa brought one of his reindeer, and not the full team of twelve.

I do however, digress. The Christmas fair has been and gone, and the calendar says it is now December. For many residents of Carnegie this means dragging out a box or boxes of Christmas lights from the shed, cursing as you regret not winding them up more carefully last year, threading them round fretwork and up and down trees, and for those that are brave venturing up onto the roof. Then, when they are on, trying to find the bulb that has blown, causing those around it not to light up. I must confess because of that I have adopted the modern technology, LEDs instead of the bud lights – in the post Christmas sales Spotlight in Carnegie Central were selling them at quite a discount – if you get them look for some that are ‘warm white’ and so have a colour similar to those of an incadescent bulb, otherwise they can be a rather stark blue.

I digress again. The purpose of this post was to mention some of the stand out houses in Carnegie for Christmas lights. Now as I hail from the western side of Carnegie, I’m afraid those that I am aware of are on that side. Please do post a comment if you are aware of other examples that might warrant a visit with pyjama clad children on a warm pre or post Christmas night. I should point out that this post is based on what I have seen in past years, so please bear that in mind!

There are a number of houses at the western end of Munster Avenue, which runs onto Grange Road up towards the railway line, that put up Christmas lights. As an added bonus, a resident on the other side of Grange Road opposite Munster Avenue (technically East Caulfied, I know) puts on a fine display illuminated reindeer and other garden ornaments.

A single house in Yendon Road, apparently occupied by someone not afraid of heights, is also worthy of mention. It is on the east side, heading south from Neerim Road, about half way to Glen Huntly Road.

This festive season I shall keep an eye out for other examples (my faithful hound will appreciate me having an excuse to take her our for a walk), and will update this post.

1 thought on “Christmas lights in Carnegie

  1. Around the corner from Munster Avenue in Mimosa Road there are a couple of well lit houses, one with inflatable Santas.

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